How to turn French text numbers into English numbers

Enter French text numbers and you can turn them into English numbers. This also works for English numbers to French. Long numbers in French can be really hard so this is a great way to find out how they translate into English.

You can use this converter to turn French word numbers into English word numbers. For example, you can turn "cent trente" into "one hundred and thirty". It's a great way to test a French learner's knowledge of French numbers and how they are written. This converter works for huge numbers too!

To use this converter, simply type in the French word number you want to convert into the text box below and hit the 'Convert' button. The converter will do the rest!

When you are turning French numbers into English words, you have the option to select whether or not the sentence displays "and" or not. Please note that the “and” in numbers is used in British English, but it is not used in American English.


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